Fremont Community Joint Zoning Ordinance

Table of Contents

Chapter 7: Other Districts

Article 1: Institutional District (O-INS)

Type of District: Traditional

Section 7-1.01: Purpose

The Institutional District is intended to provide for the limited need for open space areas, parks, conservation areas, public schools, religious institutions, hospitals, governmental facilities and preservation of historic places. In addition, the District encompasses land uses that take up large areas where much of the internal activity does not affect surrounding properties.

Section 7-1.02: Development Objectives

  1. Though some public and private institutional uses are appropriate in other zoning districts, the Institutional District is specifically meant to cater to these uses and provide them with adequate protection.
  2. Park and recreation development should be in accordance with the Fremont Area Parks and Recreation Plan.

Section 7-1.03: Uses

Purpose and Intent

The Institutional District is designed to protect and facilitate use of property owned by larger public and religious institutions and related organizations. Its purpose is to allow for growth and development while protecting the larger community, nearby neighborhoods, and the environment from impacts accompanying major new development. A key feature of this District is the preparation of a site plan that would allow the property owner, immediate neighbors and the larger community to understand specifically what levels of development are being proposed and what effects would likely accompany the development so that mitigation measures can be designed and implemented. ​

UsesINS Institutional District
Use (See Appendix 1 for List of Uses)Uses by RightSpecial Land Uses ( See Chapter 9 “Special Land Uses” for specific standards)Use Restrictions and Requirements
Educational None All
Residential None except community gardens Senior Housing
Residential Care Operated as a charity, relief, benevolent or philanthropic function Day care (commercial)
Foster care large group home
Nursing/convalescent home
Governement & Institutional Community center & recreation center All except Uses By Right Facilities within these uses may include accessory day care, retail, cafeteria, pharmacies, and other similar uses related to and primarily intended for the principal use.
Park, plaza, square, playground, walkway and similar uses
Religious institution
Financial, Medical and Professional Office and Related Services Computer and data processing center General and Professional Office
Research institution
Medical and dental office or clinic
Utility None All

Section 7-1.04: Development Requirements

Development Requirements
Purpose and Intent As development occurs on larger parcels, the precise locations for individual uses and buildings on the parcel are of less concern, except as they occur on the perimeter of the site. In these locations, the City is concerned about how buildings, parking areas, storage areas and other similar structures and uses relate to surrounding properties. Increased setbacks, landscaping, and careful consideration of loading and parking areas will be paramount.
Front yard setback 30 ft.
Rear yard setback 20 ft.
Side yard setback 20 ft. No setback is required for lots with alley access.
Screened outdoor storage 10 ft.
Minimum lot area None
Minimum lot width 100 ft.
Lot coverage Maximum 75%
Building height Lower of 40 ft. or 3 stories See Chapter 3 “General Provisions”

Section 7-1.05: Accessory Provisions

(See Chapter 2 for” Definitions” and Chapter 3 for “General Provisions”)

  1. Signs

    1. Archway Signs

      1. Permanent signs may be affixed or attached to the arch or on the pillars that uphold the arch, or on fencing connected to the arch, but the sign(s) may only include information that is in relation to the entities or events that take place on premise.
      2. No plastic material may be used for an archway sign.
      3. An archway sign may not be illuminated.
      4. If an arched entryway connects to fencing, permanent archway signs that are no larger than 25% of a fence panel may be placed on the fence.
    2. Ground Signs

      1. For nonresidential uses other than those qualified for Institutional signs.
      2. One sign, not to exceed fifty (50) sq. ft. and six (6) ft. in height is permitted. The sign shall be set back at least ten (10) ft. from any property line.
    3. Wall or Projecting Signs

      1. One wall sign or one projecting sign is permitted per façade and/or frontage onto a parking area.
      2. Wall signs shall not exceed one (1) sq. ft. per each lineal foot of building wall length associated with the use to which it refers, with a maximum of fifty (50) sq. ft. Projecting signs shall not exceed four (4) sq. ft. or project farther than four (4) ft. from the building to which it is attached.
      3. Signs shall be located on the wall facing street and off-street parking areas designated for that use.
      4. See Chapter 3 “General Provisions” for regulations pertaining to multiple uses in a building.
      5. One additional wall or projecting sign per building, not exceeding ten (10) sq. ft. is permitted for the purposes of identifying uses on upper floors.
    4. Window Signs

      1. Signs may be painted, etched, or affixed to glass windows or doors provided they pertain to the business conducted on the premises and do not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the glass surface area or diminish any applicable façade transparency requirements.
    5. Identification Signs

      1. One identification sign is permitted on any entryway area into an institutional use as long as it satisfies sign setback requirements as outlined in Chapter 3, Section 3.21.
      2. An identification sign may be a ground sign or located on a fence, retaining wall or other structure as long as the height of the sign and any independent supporting structure does not exceed eight (8) feet.
      3. The lettering on the sign shall not exceed 50% of the structure to which it is attached.
    6. Institutional Signs

      1. One sign, not exceeding fifty (50) sq. ft. and 6 ft. in height is permitted. The sign shall be set back at least five (5) ft. from any property line.
    7. Real Estate Signs

      1. One wall sign in addition to that permitted above per lot is permitted not exceeding six (6) sq. ft. in area, provided a corner lot may have one sign on each street frontage.
    8. Political Signs

      1. One wall sign in addition to the permitted above per issue or candidate not exceeding six (6) sq. ft. in area.
  2. Parking

    (See Chapter 3 “General Provisions” for General Requirements.)

    1. Location

      No parking shall be permitted in a front yard except where no other location or parking arrangement is possible provided that the location of parking ensures compatibility with surrounding building lines and the pedestrian environment of the site and area. Appropriate screening shall be required.

      1. The number of off-street parking spaces provided shall not exceed Standard Requirements for uses on the parcel.
    2. Number

      1. Additional parking spaces may be approved, based on documented evidence provided by the applicant demonstrating that the parking will be required to accommodate the use on a typical day.
      2. Fewer parking spaces may be approved, provided a parking analysis submitted by the owner demonstrating that the spaces planned will be sufficient.
      3. Off-street parking requirements may be met in a shared parking lot located within three hundred (300) ft. of the building/structure served.
      4. On-street parking spaces adjacent to the parcel shall be included in calculating the number of parking spaces required.
UseStandard Requirement
Educational 1 space per 3 person by seating capacity in the largest assembly area
Where assembly areas are not present, 1 space per classroom and 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of office area shall be provided.
Technical, vocational and trade schools shall provide 1 space per each 10 students in addition to the spaces required above.
Residential 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Senior housing - 1 space per unit
Residential Care .5 spaces per dwelling unit or bed, whichever is greater; day care uses – 1 space per 10 children at licensed capacity
Government & Institutional 1 space per 3 persons by seating capacity in the largest assembly area; if no assembly area is provided, 2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of UFA
Office 2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of UFA
Utility 1 space per use
Special Provisions Parking lots with more than fifty (50) spaces shall provide one bicycle parking space for each forty (40) automobile parking spaces, with a minimum of six (6) bicycle spaces.
  1. Sidewalks

    1. A minimum combined sidewalk and parkway dimension of ten (10) feet shall be provided.
    2. Space for bike racks, civic art, or other similar uses/activities may be permitted, provided that a minimum sidewalk clear area of five (5) ft. is met.
  2. Landscaping/Screening

    (See Chapter 3 “General Provisions” for General Requirements.)

    1. Street Trees
      1. One 2-1/2 inch caliper street tree shall be provided and located at each thirty (30) foot interval of street frontage.
      2. Street trees may be located at forty (40) foot intervals if they are four (4) inches or greater caliper at planting.

    Spacing of street trees shall comply with Chapter 18 “Streets and Sidewalks” of the City Code of Ordinances.

    1. Parking Areas

      1. In order to enclose the portion of the parking exposed to view of public streets, parking lots visible from a public street, walkways, or adjacent Residential Districts shall be screened by a decorative masonry wall no greater than three (3) ft. high. However, screening must be broken up at intervals no greater than 50 ft. to allow pedestrian access. Landscaping of the same height (at planting) may be used if it screens the parking area with at least seventy-five percent (75%) opacity.
      2. Parking lots exceeding 50 spaces shall provide interior landscaping, dispersed evenly throughout the parking lot in order to break up large expanses of pavement and assist with vehicular and pedestrian flow. At least one canopy tree shall be provided per 12 parking spaces.
    2. Screening

      1. Exterior trash disposal areas/equipment shall be enclosed by brick, decorative concrete, or a material that matches the material of the main building. The enclosure shall be a minimum of six (6) ft. high, with three (3) sides with a gate on the fourth side. Outdoor mechanical equipment shall be similarly screened, provided that the enclosure need be only as high as necessary to fully screen the equipment.

Section 7-1.06: Other

(See Chapter 3 “General Provisions” for General Requirements.)

  1. Lighting

    1. Lighting, if installed, shall be pedestrian-style lighting along all sidewalks and within parking areas.
    2. For pole lighting within parking areas, light fixtures shall not exceed a height of twenty (20) ft. Fixtures not exceeding thirty (30) ft. may be permitted for pole lighting if the fixture is located at least two hundred (200) ft. from any adjacent Residential District or use property line.
    3. Building, wall, and pole exterior lighting fixtures shall be directed downward in order to reduce glare onto adjacent properties and streets. Any fixtures or structures used in relation to lighting shall be architecturally compatible with the remainder of the structure.
    4. All outdoor lighting used to light the general area of a specific site shall be shielded to reduce glare and shall be arranged to reflect lights away from all adjacent Residential Districts or adjacent residences. Light shall not exceed more than 0.5 foot-candles at a residential property line. Light shall not exceed more than 1.5 foot-candles at a non-residential property line. The maximum intensity of lighting internal to the site shall be ten (10) foot-candles. Greater intensities may be allowed where additional security may be needed. A lighting plan shall be submitted as part of a request for greater lighting.
  2. Accessory Buildings

    1. For approved Residential and Residential Care uses, individual garages not exceeding four hundred (400) sq. ft. per dwelling unit are permitted. If more than one garage is provided, garage structures shall be attached in groups of not more than ten (10) garage spaces per group. Larger groups may be permitted if topography or other natural conditions on the site prevent a convenient arrangement of structures, or if the structures are completely screened from the view of adjacent public streets.
    2. A garage shall not be located in the front yard and shall meet all other setback requirements.
    3. In addition to an accessory garage, one accessory structure or building of not more than three-hundred-and-twenty (320) sq. ft. and twelve (12) feet in height may be erected as long as it meets the setback requirements for accessory structures.
    4. A detached accessory building or structure shall be located at least ten (10) feet from the main building.
    5. A detached accessory building or structure shall be located at least five (5) feet from the rear or side lot lines and shall be no closer to the front lot line than the RBL established by the main building.
  3. Fencing

    1. Fencing connected to an arched entryway cannot exceed 4-1/2 ft. in height in the front yard and six (6) ft. in height in the side or rear yards. The fencing must be made of a decorative material (e.g., wrought iron).
    2. The height of the fence shall be measured from the adjacent ground elevation once construction is complete.
  4. General

    1. A site plan shall address issues such as general location and size of new facilities, parking, utilities, storm water management, impervious surface and access/circulation. A site plan shall identify the general location, size and proposed uses of buildings. Accompanying materials shall estimate effects on adjacent uses, streets, water and sewer facilities, storm water runoff, air quality, noise and lighting.
    2. Specific descriptions of proposed development with building locations, building sizes, parking arrangements and description of building heights with consideration of impact on adjacent areas.
    3. Individual effects must be evaluated in the context of the entire development and not in isolation. Analysis of effects resulting from proposed development is required, along with options to mitigate effects relating to:
      • Transportation management (traffic, transit, parking, bikes, pedestrians, and air quality)
      • Storm-water management analysis (quantity and quality)
      • Noise and lighting analysis
      • Preliminary timetable and sequencing schedule for building construction and for related mitigation measures.